
Double Meanings

So, we all know that the scriptures are full of double-meaning scriptures. One such example comes from the Old Testament in Amos 8: 11-12 where it foretells a famine in the land..."not of famine of bread or thirst for water, but of hearing the word of the Lord..." And we understand this, in the LDS church, to be indicative not only of the rejection of early prophets and their words, but also a prophecy concerning the Great Apostasy. There are other examples as well, but one in particular stood out to me today. It comes from D&C 121:33, which reads: "How long can rolling waters remain impure? What power shall stay the heavens? As well might man stretch forth his puny arm to stop the Missouri river in its decreed course, or to turn it up stream, as to hinder the Almighty from pouring down knowledge from heaven upon the heads of the Latter-day Saints" (emphasis added). Obviously the part I am referring to is the emboldened section in the middle. This verse, as you can read, is speaking specifically about Heavenly Father pouring out knowledge and blessings upon the members of His Kingdom here on the earth. Nothing can stop Him in His work. But I stumbled upon another additional and seemingly prophetic meaning of this scripture today: Micah. He has an amazing amount of energy some days, and today was no exception. And despite my sincerest efforts I feel like a puny man in the middle of the Missouri trying to change its direction and course when I try and bridle my son's energy and put it to good use (i.e. cleaning up his messy room or being kind to his sister). I love the energy, but there seems to be no way to channel it to more constructive uses instead of destruction! hahaha. My "puny arm" just isn't cutting it. :) But I am happy he has so much energy and finds joy in so many simple things, like completely destroying his room. Entropy is real! hahaha. I love you, Micah!

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