
God bless the Germans and the French!!!!

So, I am pretty sure that the next time I see an individual who is truly German or truly French, I am going to hug them, uncomfortably, for several minutes! Why? you might ask. Well, it all comes down to the most important meal of the day, the one thing that gets me up every single morning instead of hitting snooze and falling back asleep, the reason I am able to do all my economics homework: BREAKFAST! I am not talking about cereal and milk (although that is one of my favorites), but I am referring to the kind of breakfast that warms you from the inside out. The one that is smothered in sugar!!! The kind that you wash down with orange juice! The kind that only Germans and French people could come up with! I am talking about German pancakes and french toast! Today was the first time that I had ever made a German pancake and I am pretty sure that the Celestial Kingdom will have German pancakes! HOLY SCHMOLY! They were so good. In fact, as you look at the pictures, I am sure that will be able to taste them! So, here is the recipe so you can enjoy the same yumminess I enjoyed!

3 eggs
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup flour
2 Tablespoons butter
1/4 teaspoon salt

Bake in the stove at 420 for 20 minutes

THEN YOU ENJOY! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

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Lyndsay Budge said...

Oh, how I love Saturday mornings! Breakfast was delicious!

Angèle said...

Were you hear last Christmas?? I can't remember... but I made German Pancakes to go with our all ready HUGE Christmas breakfast. Aren't they great!?

Alyson Samantha said...

A freshman roommate introduced me to German pancakes and I fell in love, too! Now I am curious if I could make them with my gluten-free flour and have them turn out the same...

Nathanael said...

I bet you could, Alyson. I used some wheat flour that we ground ourselves and they tasted great! I am sure that yours will turn out just fine. Plus, it is like the ultimate poor person meal because it only takes flour, eggs, salt, milk...all cheap stuff! It's beautiful!!!

Daphne said...

I knew I raised you right! Breakfast is wonderful no matter what time of day.