
"Sorry, I checked out."

I was sitting in my Management Communications class on the first day of this semester awaiting the good news about what the class would hold. While we were discussing the different course criteria, Bro. Clarke asked a question to a specific man in the class (my apologies to the man in my class because I do not know your name). The man responded by saying, "Sorry, I checked out. What was the question?" Bro. Clarke, being the kind and loving person that he is, replied with a witty, "Where did you go?" The man didn't really catch what Bro. Clarke said, but I had a good chuckle about it. However, the question grabbed my attention and I am sad to say that I didn't hear much of anything else that Bro. Clarke had to say. I have to admit, if Bro. Clarke would have asked me a question, I would have had a similar response as my fellow class mate (Even more funny than that would be the fact that my response to Bro. Clarke's question of my mental whereabouts would have been something along the lines of, "I was thinking about where I go when I check out.").

In consequence of Bro. Clarke's question, I have thought long and hard about where I go when I "check out." So here you have it:

First, I would have to say that the great majority of my "check out"'s find me on the golf course. I think about my swing, my gear, my technique, my putting, etc. Basically I am playing a round of nine in my head. It isn't as enjoyable as really playing, but since I am stuck in class, it is the next best thing.

Second, I find myself focusing on a specific sentence or thought from the lecture. I can't help myself when it comes to funny or intriguing ideas and thoughts. It is like that thinking game where you start thinking about one object and then continue to think for a specified amount of time. At the end, whoever is playing the game reports on where they "ended up" and their mental road map that led to their destination.

Third, I often visit places that I have never before visited: Fiji, Hawaii, Ogden, etc. Those thoughts usually end with a bid sigh and a rock-bottom re-entrance into reality. However, they are fun to visit on occasion.

Finally, I often find myself planning out my day. I will "check out" for a personal planning session to make sure I am on track to accomplish everything that is asked of me that day and the coming week. I am not particularly fond of these mental journeys, but I guess everyone has to deal with the boring stuff. Maybe next time I will think about my daily plans while I picture being on Mars. That would shake things up a bit!

So, as is tradition, I cannot have all of the fun. I want to know where you go when you check out? somewhere fun? somewhere exotic? somewhere boring? or maybe somewhere only you can go! I want to hear about it!

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Anne said...

I go to two of your places (maybe sometime we'll see each other!): planning for the rest of the day, and thinking on something that was said. Then there's option #3: places I've never been and never will be. For example, a pirate ship. Usually I transport myself into some movie and, of course, make it better! I have like 5 favorite fantasy lands to which I regularly escape. This week is a pirate ship! With, don't ask, a hot tub. I mean if I'm in fantasy land already, why live within "their" reality? I'll bring my own bag o' fun!

Lyndsay Budge said...

When I check out, there's not much going on up there. It's just empty. Of course, that's not very different from when I'm "checked in". ;) I like Annik's pirate ship idea. Maybe I'll have to try "checking-out" to places like that. Sounds fun!

Angèle said...

I never really thought of it like that... Hmm... I guess it depends on where I am.

In school, I'm usually thinking about what people have said, what I would have said, what I did say, what would happen if I would have done this, etc. That kind of thing.

When I'm with my friends, I usually am thinking about old friends and what they're doing now. Or, what we'll all look like in ten years and where we'll be in life.

When I'm waiting to fall asleep, I'm usually writing my book in my head, going through scenes, adding details.

So that's pretty much it. Kinda boring, I know.

Alyson Samantha said...

Yay, you have a blog, too!! I love this post...so great. I definitely "check out" a lot of the time...it comes with the ADD territory! :) My top places to "check out" to:

I also go to my personal planning place when I have nothing to do. I didn't used to do it, but I think the mission branded me with that trait. It's a good thing, though, because like you said, it helps you know you are on track to get things done!

So often I find myself "checking out" into the book I'm currently reading, or into the Twilight or Harry Potter world by default if I'm not currently reading anything in particular.

The other main "check out" activity for me is narrating my own life. Sounds weird, I know, but it's so much fun! Try it sometime...you'll find yourself laughing at your own life a lot!