
Five Fabulous Favorites From Fridays!

I came home from work today and I was SO happy. I couldn't really explain the reason why, but I was filled with excitement. As I biked away from the MTC the missionaries were all looking at me in amazement as I had such a HUGE smile on my face (I am sure some of them interpreted my expression as "FREEDOM! YES!!!" and I am sure they too wanted to have that same expression). As I thought more about it, I figured there was something intrinsically good about Fridays. Kind of like ice cream. It just makes you feel so happy, even just to think about it! Hence, the title of my post. Here are five things that I absolutely LOVE about Fridays:

1. NO CLASSES! I am an Economics major, which means that I do not have classes on Fridays. I don't know when this policy was established, but it is widely held in the Econ. department that class should not and will not be held on Fridays (except for the occasional 110 class, which really shouldn't be considered Econ unless you are solving Legrangian equations). I know that as soon as Friday rolls around, my weekend has already begun! (This morning as I was biking to work, I saw a fellow ward member walking to school and I thought to myself "You should have been an Econ major, dude.")

2. WIFE TIME! My wife is an "Art and Visual Communications" major at UVU. That program, like the Econ department at BYU, has decided that they should not hold classes on Fridays either. As such, I know that when Fridays roll around, I actually get to spend some time with my wife! (Monday through Thursday I think I spend maybe a total of two hours with my wife. Each of the four days we have about a half an hour of "exchanges" where we can talk for a second and kiss goodbye as one of us heads off to school, work, to watch Micah, etc.) On Fridays I can have thumb wars with my wife or just sit and stare at her...and I won't be late for anything! YES!

3. MORNING SHIFT! I work as a supervisor in the Referral Center. The days there are broken up into a morning, early afternoon, late afternoon, and evening shift. Monday through Thursday, due to school and watching Micah, I work the 6:15-9:45 pm shift. This shift has caused me to miss two birthday dinners and a "Farewell as you head off to college" dinner for three of my sisters. Also, I have classes early in the morning so when I finish the night shift I usually have to come home, brush my teeth, change my clothes, and head straight to bed (I really don't like doing that at all). However, on Fridays I work 8:30-12:00 which means I am home for lunch and I still have the rest of the day to do whatever I feel like doing.

4. SATURDAY! I remember this song we used to sing in Primary entitled "Saturday" which talked about how Saturday was a special day because it was the day we get ready for Sunday. In my mind, we should write another song that talks about how Friday is a special day because its the day we get ready for SATURDAY! In the primary song, there is one line that talks about how we should work on Saturdays so we don't have to work until Monday. It is the same for me, just replace "Saturday" with "Friday." You know, "Friday is a special day, it's the day we get ready for Saturday. We go to our jobs and we do our homework, so we don't have to work until Monday!" I could make a BIG list about why Saturdays are great, but that isn't the title of this post. (Maybe I will do that in the future!) And the great thing about Saturdays is that I have all of Friday, which is basically like Saturday for me, to prepare for Saturday to come! Basically, for me, it is like having two saturdays in a row!

5. GOLF! Fridays are usually the day when Todd, my father-in-law, calls me and says something along the lines of, "There is something 'fun' going on today at 1:15 if you want to come." Translation: FUN TIMES ARE TO BE HAD AT THE GOLF COURSE TODAY!!!! I can't help but sing this song to Golf: "You are always on my mind! You are always on my mind."

So there you have it! Five fabulous favorites from Fridays! (I think I deserve extra points for that amazing alliteration, Bro. Clarke!) Now it is your turn. I want to know five things that you absolutely love about Fridays! You don't have to write as much as I did, unless you feel so inclined or unless you have to write as an assignment for your M Comm 320 class. I am really interested and excited to hear why Fridays are special to you, so now is your chance! Comment away!

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1 comment:

Angèle said...

That sounds like a good idea. I'll write about Fridays on my blog. Thanks!!