
What would the pioneers say?

Have you ever found yourself asking this question? I seriously think about it all the time. When I am driving on a bumpy road I think, this road is bad, but I bet the pioneers would be pleased with the "smooth" ride. Also, I think about the complaints we have with traffic, and then I think about how long it took for the pioneers to get across the plains. However, the topic I reflect on most often is communication. I can't even imagine how mind-boggled the pioneers would be if they saw how some individuals communicate in our day. Specifically, I am talking about those individuals who can carry on five conversations at once. You know you have seen them before. These are the people who have a cell-phone fused to their hand, their rear firmly planted in front of a computer, and three or four people hovering around them at all times. They are simultaneously texting three people at the same time, while speaking face-to-face to someone, and they are chatting on facebook with their "BFF!" In fact, I know several people who have gotten into accidents (often with stationary objects) because they "really needed" to "talk" to someone (be it via text, typing, or heaven forbid, speaking). I admit that I am not immune to the whole texting thing, and I actually chat on the computer for my job, but it amazes me when I see an individual who can carry on so many conversations at once. These communication addicts remind me of that kid on Disney's up. The second he wakes up from sleeping: "Hey! Where's Kevin? Is he gone? What happened? Where did he go?" Except it is "Hey! How's Susan? I haven't talked to her in like 2 hours. What happened to Bobby? Where did Jill go?" I can't help but wonder where our world might find itself if we don't learn to communicate one-on-one, face-to-face, like the pioneers used to do. Just a thought.

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Alyson Samantha said...

Yeah, I've thought about what chaos would occur if our technological communication was taken out for any length of time. I know that personally I would probably go through some withdrawals... :)

Nathanael said...

I know what you mean! It is kind of like when you leave your cell phone at home. All of a sudden you feel like you are crippled somehow! The funny thing is, just 5-10 years ago we didn't even own a cell phone! Funny how we can't live without it now!

Daphne said...

My favorite way is still to just sit down face to face and talk. Old-fashioned, I know.